Sunday, February 1, 2009

Negative Dynamics in Social Networking Sites (aka MySpace)

I'll start this blog by stating this is not directed to anyone in particular. This is a general observation I have made in regards to a few close -friends- of mine whom seem intent on wrecking each others' relationship/friendship by means of social networking site tools.

Realistically, life is too short to be concerned about who is saying what on MySpace, whether or not you're on someone's top friends' list or what order you come in, and even what their headlines/status message reads. People, it is the internet!

The animosity, indirect insults, or blatant attacks on people through these means fall very short on the list of priorities in our lives. I am sure, as many of you are, that we each have bigger concerns in our lives then what someone is saying about us on some site. It boils down to three simple words: High School Drama.

Come on, many of us left high school behind years ago when we graduated. We've moved on and grown into full fledged adults [I hope] since that time. Why then, are we so intent on falling into the morass of bickering online like school children?

It is pretty interesting to see the psychological accounts it presents, but beyond that, not much else beyond barely sustainable entertaining value. Ask yourself this? Would you really sit there and have a spitting contest in real life? Are you so consumed with the lack of self confidence that you have to monitor and alarm yourself at what someone else is saying or doing? I'm not, personally.

For those of you worried about your boyfriends/girlfriends? There is a Spanish adage that goes: "Si se quiere ir, como quiera se vas ir." - "If they're going to leave, they'll leave regardless." The more you worry about another person interfering in your relationship, the more you empower them! Focus on your own relationship and address whatever issues WITHIN that relationship.

Any external factors threatening your relationship is really not germane to the internal dynamics that threatens to tear your relationship apart. They are merely tools by which an act is perpetrated.

An old friend is suddenly treating you like crap and defaming you on MySpace? Gasp! Unless you're some sensationalistic attention seeking individual, you should simply step away from that entire mess. If they are capable of doing something that trivial and petty, then you must ask yourself whether they are truly your friend. It is really a matter of simplicity that often gets lost in a web of complexeties.

Someone said something you don't agree with? A simple solution would be to agree to disagree. We are all individual human beings with our own set of emotions, traits, unique qualities, thoughts, and thinking processes. Chances are, you will hold different and often opposite views then another person. Its what makes us so unique and interesting. Imagine a world where we all thought and acted in the same fashion? Pretty dull, I imagine.

Religion and politics [along with a plethora of other issues] are both delicate issues that trigger many reactions. The key? Learn to respond, not react. Why? Because reactions are something triggered by instincts, not logic. We must learn to respect the views and beliefs of others, even if they conflict with our own.

In short and closing, if someone or something on MySpace, Facebook, or any other host of networking site is causing you great discomfort or unnecessary agitation, then you should ask yourself why?

After all, it is -your- space, and much like being in your home, if you cannot be comfortable in your own home then there is something drastically wrong. Take a breathe, and relax. If someone is dogging you on MySpace, who cares?

Now if you see them on the streets, that's a whole entire other matter.


Luisito / Jiovanni / Pyramid

Please feel free to comment or ask questions. I'm always in the mood for a good [and positive] debate/dialogue.


The 3th day of the 2th cycle, Year of Strife

Zar'tenya meditated peacefully in the sanctuary of the Lambent Flats. The City had been quiet for the past few months since the fall of Bashir. The temple of Bashir had been claimed by a peculiar man, Cedryk Orgoth. He called it the House of Orgoth, after his namesake. The Edgeward Barrows, he had claimed them to be under Orgoth control, calling them Orgoth Plains. He was aided by a former Echten Knight, known as Ketill.

Far off in the Valley of Totalility, now known as the Valley of Nobility, a mysterious woman led a movement with another former Echten Knight, known as Slirenie. The two women spoke of honorable deeds and virtue from within their stronghold, known as the Tribunal of Solara.

Kal'lankissa had recovered but since the fall of Bashir, she was not seen beyond the chambers of the Library of Idoaclese, as her appearances became less frequent. Amaymon went into self-exile after taking the life of the human Thrall, whom he learned was known as Jarelek, a noble warrior in his time who joined the Echt in order to protect his own home, much like himself. Amaymon's grief became unbearable, he vanished without a trace leaving behind the 'Sabre of All' hidden within the City of Dreams.

Remulus walked through the portal and startled Zar'tenya from her meditation. "The City is under attack by some beasts. Hordes of them, of all kinds. You fight one, another takes it place. The dreamers are unable to fend them off, it is truly chaotic out there." he said in a loud voice.

"I thought you would be excited at such, my master." said Zar'tenya and she slowly opened her eyes and raised herself up from her meditative position.

"In other circumstances, perhaps. This is madness. Where did these things come from?" asked Remulus as removed his shield momentarily, his avatar bruised and turning different shades of blue and black.

"The Shards of Bashir. But much smaller fragments of different sizes. When Bashir fell, his shards were scattered all throughout the City of Dreams. Over the months, the fragments thrived in our City and merged with the very fabric of the City. Using the very essence of the City, the fragments take many different forms to manifest themselves," said Zar'tenya as she cracked her neck as she tilted her head slightly.

"How do you know all this?" asked Remulus with a cynical look upon his face.

"I have fought them before, my master. The snake-like Wyrms, the four legged Chimeras, the slithering Krakkens, and the deadly Shades. The most fearsome of them all, the Revenants. I have fought their strongest kind within their own nest, the Dark Awakening. It is time, my master." replied Zar'tenya, her words slicing through the air. She vanished through the portal, as Remulus became confused at her words.

"She has become far too dangerous indeed. She will soon unlock her true potential, she must die soon..." whispered Remulus to himself as he flared his nostrils.

As Remulus vanished through the portals, the two dreamers would go to fight the hordes of creatures that now invaded the City of Dreams, such beasts became a thing of...


- The Chronicler


The 21th day of the 12th cycle, Year of Revelations

The Great Clash was finally over.

The surviving dreamers began to depart from the blood stained battlefield that had just been the stage of one of the greatest battles in the history of the City of Dreams. The human Echten had departed in a state of confusion, unsure of what they would do next. Remulus and Zar'tenya exited quietly through the portals. Amaymon carried an exhausted Kal'lankissa in his arms to safety. The rest of the dreamers soon vanished through the portal in a somber state.

Cedryk Orgoth remained alone as he quietly assessed the damages of the Temple. "Gra cha cha cha! This shall suffice . I shall claim this in the name of Orgoth. From this day forth, it shall be hence forth known as the House Orgoth! And the lands extending from it shall be known as the Orgoth Plains. Gra, cha cha cha!" laughed Cedryk after making his declaration despite no one else being present.

The portal materialized as one of the Echten human appeared before Cedryk. The dreamer stood tall, wearing a patch over his right eye with a scar protruding from either side. His hair was fiery red but cut diminutively short and in disarray. He sported a dark red beard with no traces of it having been groomed in years.

The man spoke in a gruffed voice as he addressed Cedryk, "Mmm, I think we have matters to be discussin'. Ketill is the name." He made no effort to extend a hand forward, his hollowed eyed staring directly at Cedryk.

"I'm listening..." replied Cedryk as he walked towards Ketill with his unusual gait.

Elsewhere, in the depths of the Valley, the mysterious woman in white silks walked alone through the narrow paths. She encountered three dreamers she had never seen before at the Amphitheater of Spheres. The three dreamers leveled their gaze upon the mysterious woman, studying her with careful inspection. One dreamer moved forward and introduced himself as Clarion, leader of the Obsidian Order. He introduced the other two dreamers as Jormunrek and Phanuel.

Clarion had explained that he and his comrades were just taking a final stroll through the Valley, that they were summoned elsewhere and had to leave the City of Dreams behind. The mysterious woman looked perplexed momentarily but she understood if they wanted to reveal their reasons, they would have done so, she did not persist with a line of inquiry. Clarion spoke of the fort at the end of the Valley which he regretted to abandoned. This caught the woman's attention as she began to inquire about it. Clarion offered to show her the fort, moments later the four dreamers headed towards the Valley stronghold.

As they arrived, the mysterious woman was taken by surprise at the beauty of the stronghold. It had appeared to be untouched by the hands of time as it remained in pristine condition. Clarion noticed the mysterious woman's reaction.

"She is beautiful, isn't she?" said Clarion in a refined voice with a slight unknown accent of sorts.

"She is beautiful, yes." responded the mysterious woman at Clarion's question.

"She's a strong one, she's endured everything that has been thrown her way for the last couple centuries. And she ain't going down anytime soon." interjected Clarion as he surveyed the fort as if it were his first time laying eyes upon it. "We've been here for decades ourselves, but alas we must leave behind all that we cherish. We cannot remain here," he continued.

"That is disheartening. I must ask why you would vacate this beautiful home? She can protect you in the dreams to come. There is another reason you are not telling me," the mysterious woman said as her eyes left the structure of the fort and landed upon Clarion's gaze.

"In truth, there is, lady. I am sorry, what did you say your name was?" asked Clarion.

"My name is not important, Clarion. Please continue." answered the mysterious woman.

Clarion simply shrugged a moment, he continued to speak, "There was a time of great peace in this City but then all the war broke out and it lasted for well over a decade. Dreamers have fought at our doorsteps and until recently, we were at peace within our home. That is until those beyond the portal began to fight at our doorstep. We sought to remove ourselves from all the fighting but instead we found ourselves fighting on many occasions. This City remains hopeless. It seems to have always known strife and war. We must leave, we sense a great danger in the horizon, we can't shake the feeling. We just rather not be caught in its wake."

"You can change it for the better, Clarion." interjected the mysterious woman.

"No, we do not wish to change things. We tried once and our leader went mad and took the child we were protecting with him and turned her into an assassin. We have become truly disenchanted with this City, our place is no longer here." Clarion said, a look of sadness emerged on his face.

"I do not mean to bring to life such painful memories." the mysterious woman said.

"Don't worry, but regardless, we are leaving and this fort is going to be abandoned." said Clarion, his face stiffened.

"Such a beautiful home, it can serve a great and honorable purpose if you will allow it." said the mysterious woman.

"Another shall inherit as we once did. If you desire it, you may inherit her halls if your intentions are pure and noble, lady." Clarion admonished the mysterious woman.

"They are, Clarion. The deeds of this great and honorable house shall spread far and wide for a noble cause." the mysterious woman said, her voice sounded nearly musical as she spoke with such pride.

"Then she is yours, but I warn you should you fall back on your word, we shall return to claim her again." Clarion said as he gave the fort one final look, "What shall you call it?"

"I will bring the traditions of my people into the City. I shall call it the Tribunal of Solara, after the race of my people and my shard." said the mysterious woman.

"Ah, so you are Solara then?" Clarion asked with a grin on his face.

"No. I said it was not important." the mysterious woman in white said, her lips formed a slight smile.

"Be well, lady. We wish you the best of luck..." Clarion said as he looked at his brothers and nodded swiftly.

Clarion, Jornunrek, and Phanuel took one final look at the stronghold before they vanished through the portal. The mysterious woman remained at the steps of the Valley stronghold. She closed her eyes and spoke onto herself, "Here shall be the birthplace of justice and honor within the City of Dreams. We shall be where only anarchy and dishonor thrives and put them to rest. All shall know of the deeds of those within assembly of the ranks within the great House of Tribunals."

Another woman walked into the room as the portal churned to life. "I heard your words just beyond the portals and they have called to me..." said the woman. The woman was of average height with dark black hair pulled into a nearly perfect pony tail. She wore a simple earth-toned dress marred around the hem. Green eyes stood out upon an otherwise bland face. She wore simple sandals upon her small feet.

"We shall speak more. You were one of the former Knights?" asked the mysterious woman in white silks.

"Yes, I took an oath thousands of years ago to protect the High Priest in all that he does. The bond of the oath turned me into a creature of great power, an Echten Knight. For thousands of years, I have fought in wars against Bashir. I am now freed from my bond. All that I once knew is gone. I seek a new purpose," said the woman dressed in earth-toned dress.

"Do you have a name?" asked the mysterious woman in white as she studied the other woman with intense eyes.

"Yes, Slirenie. Yours?" asked Slirenie with piercing green eyes.

"My name is not important, but welcome to the Tribunal of Solara..." said the mysterious woman.

- The Chronicler

Demonic Blight

The 20th day of the 12th cycle, Year of Revelations

Bashir and the Cult were close to victory with only the Yissen and the remaining Echten Knights standing in their path to complete domination of the City of Dreams. Remulus and Zar'tenya had aligned with the Yissen for reasons unknown. The two factions battled on through the night, more dreamers fell in the final battle of the Great Clash.

A weakened Kal'lankissa looked battered and nearly beaten from Ra'as' onslaught. She took a deep breath and formed another energy barrier around her avatar, her voice began to resonate in the mind of dreamers and beasts alike, "Knights of the Coven, fulfill your sworn pledge and you shall be released from the chains that bind you. Do not concern yourselves with the Shards, focus on the demon god himself."

The remaining Echten Knights suddenly became oblivious to the advances of the Shards and began to concentrate their fire against Bashir who stumbled back as pieces of his avatar broke off under the barrage of projectiles. Suddenly, tendrils shot forth from his avatar in every direction and as they coiled themselves around the avatars of the Shards and Faithful alike, he pulled them into his person.

Bashir's form began to mutate, another tendril shot forward and wrapped itself around the spectral form of Ra'as and merged the figure with the demonic creature, his form distorting and warping. In his newest manifestation, Bashir has become a Revenant, a creature of brute strength and many enchantments. Far stronger then any of the Shards or Knights combined.

Iolanta and Prayenth's avatar were torn asunder under the powerful blasts from the Revenant's mighty projectiles. Their soulspheres were quickly consumed as a series of tendrils erupted from Bashir's new form. Kal'lankissa felt the loss of her apprentices in her mind, so she summoned her most powerful champion, the Echten Thrall. She lowered her energy barrier and cast it upon the Thrall.

The Thrall charged at Bashir with cunning speed. The two massive beasts collided in battle once more, but with Bashir's new form and Kal'lankissa's barrier around the Thrall, neither could fell the other. Bashir quickly fetched his halberd and aimed it at the Thrall. A powerful discharge erupted from its tip but did not strike the shard. The energy barrier had reflected the blast and sent it back at its source.

Bashir roared in pain as his form shifted from the powerful Revenant and into a considerably weaker form known as the Wyrm, a snake-like creature with wings attached to its serpentine body. The halberd fell onto the ground as Bashir was unable to wield it again, limited by his Wyrm form. The Thrall struck a series of quick projectiles at Bashir, the demon god weakened further. The Thrall quickly gathered the halberd and rammed its base into the serpentine body of Bashir.

Bashir unleashed a deafening roar of agony as the Temple grounds shook all throughout the Edgeward Barrows. Bashir's avatar shifted through many forms, of different beasts and dreamers, beams of light began to shine through from within the demon's avatar as it cracked and began to crumble into small shards.

Suddenly, in a blinding flash of light followed by the sound of a loud explosion, Bashir's shards were hurled all throughout the City of Dreams, thousands upon thousands of fragments were scattered in places unknown.

The shock-waves of the blast had severely weakened the Thrall considerably. Kal'lankissa collapsed onto the ground in exhaustion. The Echten Thrall's hideous avatar began to transform into the shape of a dreamer's avatar. A beautiful male stood before the dreamers who looked on surprised and in awe. The male's body remained in a tattered cloak that left little to the imagination. The other surviving Echten Knights began to transform into dreamer form as well. Kal'lankissa glanced up and spoke in a weak voice, "Knights of the Echten, you are freed from your oaths. No longer are you among the Immortals." Her head tilted backwards, she had fainted.

Suddenly, the dreamer, Amaymon leaped forward and pulled out a blade, the Sabre of All, and plunged it within the heart of the Thrall's mortal form. The Thrall let out a human cry as his eyes widen momentarily before they shift towards Amaymon.

Amaymon held his grip upon the hilt of the Sabre of All, his voice faltered as he spoke, "That was for Geiru! For the fallen Emancipators! For Freedom! For the City of Dreams! FOR UNDERLIGHT!" The human Thrall's eyes rolled to the back of their head as he fell into the arms of Amaymon, limp and without motion, the blood staining Amaymon's garments. The human Thrall's avatar crumbled revealing a pale soulsphere, soon after, it dissipated.

One of the former Echten Knights, a rough looking woman looked in confusion, she wore a multi-colored halo upon her head, her eyes were moist as she held back tears. "Jarelek, nooo!" Another unfamiliar dreamer held her back, the two embraced and sob openly. Zar'tenya and Remulus glanced at each other looking confounded at the events.

Another human Echten looked at his hands with a look of revolt upon his face, "No! This cannot be! Why have I returned to this weak form! I did not want to be released from my oath. NO!" he shouted as a glazed look overcame his eyes. Cedryk Orgoth observed from the distance with a bushy eyebrow raised in intrigue.

- The Chronicler


The 20th day of the 12th cycle, Year of Revelations

Bashir decimated the Echten Knights as he tore through their ranks with ease. The battlegrounds became far more dangerous for all present as the beast threw their best each other. Firestorms, razorwinds, darkness, and dreamquakes overcame the room quickly and in succession. The Temple itself began to crumble piece by piece under the barrage of elements striking it from all sides.

Cedryk Orgoth could do nothing more than stand in absolute awe of the creatures, becoming memorized by their brute strength and raw power. His eyes shifted back and forth between each beast as they unleashed their arsenal of arts against one another. He rubbed his hands together in glee as he observed the dreamers being mowed down by the beasts. "Gra cha cha cha" snickered Cedryk as the beast continued in their melee.

Suddenly, three dreamers materialized through the portals in the form of the Yissen Masters, Kal'lankissa, Prayenth, and Iolanta. Kal'lankissa's words echoed in the minds of the dreamers through telepathic means. "Your time ends now, Bashir. We of the Yissen have come to fulfill our oath once and for all. You will draw your last breath this dream, demon."

Bashir scoffed and burst out into a deep guttural laughter. "You think you can stand against me, blind woman?" It is you who shall fall to my power," the creature replied in a booming voice. Kal'lankissa placed her hands together and as she began to recite a series of Yissen incantations, a barrier of energy surrounded her avatar. Bashir unleashed a barrage of chakrams towards Ka'lankissa with no affect. The powerful projectiles simply ricocheted off Kal'lankissa energy barrier. The redirected blasts struck the surrounding Shards immediately collapsing them instantly.

A deep guttural roar erupted from Bashir's avatar as he lifted his halberd into the heavens. A wave of energy shot into the air. Bashir erupted in a cacophony of laughter as he slammed the halberd onto the ground wedging into place, it continued to discharge energy into the clouds. "Come forth and stand at my side in our time of victory, my Chosen One," said Bashir in deep voice as his eyes flared up with energy discharges.

A whirlwind of energy formed around the halberd. The spectral form of a dreamer emerged within the spectacle before the dreamers. "By my blood and oath am I so bound." said the spectral dreamer as it kneel before Bashir. "My Chosen One, I have saved you from the grasp of death. Our time is here, the destruction of Underlight is at hand!" said Bashir as he narrowed his eyes upon the spectral dreamer.

Kal'lankissa's voice resonated in the minds of all dreamers present. "The fate of the City remains in your hands. The demon seeks to claim the City of Dreams as his own. Will his claim go unchallenged?" Iolanta and Prayenth charged forward against the Faithful of Bashir.

"Foolish dreamers, you do not understand the forces you meddle with" spoke the spectral dreamer as discharged a jolt of energy against Kal'lanissa, the blind Yissen woman fell onto her knees with a loud grunt. "Despair, mortals. I am your doom," shouted the spectral dreamer to all those gathered.

- The Chronicler

Cause and Effect

The 20th day of the 12th cycle, Year of Revelations

Remulus shifted his attention to the two young dreamers engaged in battle at the steps of the Temple. A smile formed in the corner of his lips as he watched with intrigue and amusement. Zar'tenya's facial expression betrayed a look of disdain as she quickly sighed to herself. Cedryk Orgoth continued his offense against the woman clad in white silks.

The woman in white managed to evade her attacker's strike and countered others with the gauntlet still on her right hand. Cedryk continued to strike at the woman repeatedly and every missed or blocked strike appeared to fuel his determination. The woman simply continued to defend herself without raising arms against Cedryk.

A stray projectile from one of the Echten Knights quickly made its way near the woman and she raised her gauntlet to absorb the blast. Cedryk quickly capitalized on this distraction, and quickly struck the woman on her side with his blade. The blade cut through her flesh with gory precision. Her eyes closed as her face scrunched in agony; her avatar shattered to pieces moments later.

"Gra cha cha cha" laughed Cedryk as he boasted his victory over the woman. "The Orgoth way prevails!"

Remulus placed his hands together and glanced at the soulsphere. "The weak do not deserve to exist," said Remulus as the dreaded evocation began between his palms. A pale hand reached over and halted the evocation, lowering Remulus' hands down. Remulus quickly glared at his apprentice with anger present upon his face.

"Do you not see the conviction in her eyes? She is young and inexperienced now, but one day she will be a formidable opponent. Do you truly wish to rob yourself of such a worthy opponent, my master?" Zar'tenya said as she looked into the eyes of her master.

Remulus reflected on the words of his apprentice a moment, and the anger upon his face subsided. "Perhaps you are right but you will never again interfere with my affairs, do you understand?" admonished Remulus to his apprentice. He removed a soul essence from his pack and showed it to his apprentice. Zar'tenya simply glanced at the object momentarily before responding to him, "Yes, my master." She placed a pale hand on top of the pendent she wore around her neck. Taking a deep breath, she lowered her head.

Remulus removed a few chakrams from his pack as he smirked. "We still have some pest control to perform." He quickly swung a chakram at the back of one of the Echten Knights. Zar'tenya looked up as she whispered quietly to herself, "One day, my love…" as she placed the pendant behind her shift. The pendant began to glow faintly behind her garment. The battle was far from over.

Evil is in the eye of the beholder.

- The Chronicler

Seeds of Tomorrow

The 20th day of the 12th cycle, Year of Revelations

At the Temple's exterior, the onslaught of Bashir continued as he unleashed havoc upon the Echten Knights and the surviving members of the Coven. The Thrall, the strongest of the Echten Knights, engaged Bashir upon the battlefield. The ground trembled underneath the steps of the two behemoths as they battled for control of the City of Dreams.

The woman dressed in white silks became distraught as she witnessed the lawless action of the participants in the bitter war. She could no longer remain silent as the fatalities piled high, and more and more dreamers fell. She began to speak out, her ethereal voice resonating through the room, "These lawless crimes cannot continue to go unchallenged. We must restore order where chaos reigns." But despite her efforts, her voice is drowned out by the sound of metal upon metal and the screams of unimaginable pain in the harsh realities of combat.

However, one man heard the woman's message and a look of disgust immediately betrayed his face. Sneering, Cedryk Orgoth quickly responded to the woman's message, "Your words are for the weak."

"Weakness is not measured by those whom bathe in the abundance of ignorance," countered the woman.

Cedryk laughed in amusement, "Gra cha cha cha. The Orgoth way does not allow for such weakness. Only the fittest and strongest may survive in war. The weakness leads to failure and failure merits death."

"Words such as those are spoken only by barbarians and power mongers," replied the woman in white.

"Gra cha cha cha cha, taste the blade of Orgoth!" came the words from Cedryk before he unsheathed his rusted blade and charged at the woman in white. The woman donned a gauntlet in her right hand and stopped the oncoming blow by grasping the rusted blade and shattering it to pieces. Cedryk glanced at the woman with an incredulous look in his eyes. He removed another dagger from the sheath strapped to his calve, and swung it at the woman. She made no attempts to strike back at Cedryk.

Meanwhile, a few feet away, Cane and Zar'tenya continued to lash at each other for their survival. Both warriors showed signs of exhaustion as the fight raged with intensity. Suddenly, Zar'tenya was struck on the back of her head with the hilt of a blade. She stumbled forward and turned around; glaring at the last dreamer she expected to strike her, Remulus. Cane descended upon her with a dagger clenched in his hands.

Cane's eyes widened as blood trickled onto the ground. He had impaled Zar'tenya with the blade but much to his disbelief, the assassin did not cry out in pain, she simply labored to breath. "He has casted you aside, Zar'tenya. I am now his favorite apprentice. You shall never find the redemption you seek. You will die by my hand!" said Cane in an exhausted voice, clearly tired from the confrontation.

"I do not seek redemption, Cane, I simply seek to survive," Zar'tenya spoke in between labored breaths. She spat in his face; and as he removed his hands from the blade to wipe the spit from his cheek, Zar'tenya quickly removed the dagger impaled in her avatar and stabbed Cane in his midsection. Her pale fingers reaffirmed their grip around the hilt as she twisted it further and pulled upwards on it, and it sliced through Cane's avatar. Cane stood up, and attempted to stop the bleeding as he stumbled about wildly. He crashed down onto his knees, and his avatar exploded revealing his soulsphere.

Zar'tenya lifted herself from the ground as the blood from her wound ran down her garments. She glanced at the soulsphere one last time and she placed her hands together. "Your treachery ends now, tyrant." With those words, the assassin claimed another victim to her long list of dreamstruck dreamers.

A soul essence appeared in the place where Cane's soulsphere had hovered seconds prior. Remulus glanced at Zar'tenya briefly as he approached Cane's soul essence. "You always were my favorite, my queen. You are so intent on surviving that you can overcome nearly the impossible…" He crushed the soul essence underneath his foot with a single stomp. Zar'tenya spoke softly, "Of course, my master."

Good and evil, black and white, and the many shades in between. What shade are you?

- The Chronicler


The 20th day of the 12th cycle, Year of Revelations

The members of the Emergence ran up the long stretch of the Basin's plane seeking refuge within the ruins they called their Academy. The Echten Knights gave chase and fired random projectiles in the direction of the dreamers, resulting in the collapse of several. Tal'shiar heard their screams in the distance, and he knew he had to devise of a way to distract the Echten Knights long enough for his brethren to act on their secret plan. Still holding the badly injured Xiarasya in his arms, he knew that he could not outrun the Knights, much less engage the Knights.

He called upon one of the other members of the Academy for assistance. Gently, he placed Xiarasya into the arms of the other man. In a whisper, Tal'shiar spoke, "She needs help or we will lose Madame Superior. I must return for the others who have been collapsed. Seek out Moofin Sla immediately! I fear she may be the only one who can help Madame Superior now, please go. And Sir, if I don't return safely, my heart shall always be with you all." The other man nodded as he briefly glanced at Xiarasya and quickly headed back toward the ruins.

The two Echten Knights entered the room moments later as Tal'shiar stood in their path, his feet planted firmly on the ground and his shield held before him, a blade hidden behind the shield from view. "I do not wish to fight but I will not allow you to harm my brethren nor the Madame Superior. Please do not insist on these hostilities. Respectfully, I ask that you turn around and resume in the other direction." Tal'shiar said while still holding the shield before his avatar and tightening his grip on the hilt of his blade.

The beasts howled and proceeded to hurl their projectiles at Tal'shiar's shield as the youth braced for impact. Tal'shiar remained steadily in place allowing for his attackers to come to him and the two Echten Knights were more than willing to oblige. Tal'shiar engaged the two beasts in battle, as they fired projectiles in all directions. As the battle raged on, Tal'shiar witnessed his brethren entering the room, as they were headed toward the ruins. They had been collapsed minutes before by the two beasts, and now paused for a moment in confusion as they witnessed the combatants.

"To the ruins, please! Madame Superior needs your help, now! I will remain here as long as I can!" came the orders from Tal'shiar still engaged with the beasts. Each member present nodded and resumed their path, all but one, a female guardian remained. "Madame, please! I implore you to join the others, I will be there as soon as I can, Madame," admonished Tal'shiar.

"No, Tal. I am your guardian, I cannot leave you here. I am pulling rank, let's go now!" said the female guardian.

"Madame, with all due respect, I cannot concentrate on structure of the chain of command at the present moment. I only ask of you to join the others and help the Madame Superior, please!" pleaded Tal'shiar as he evaded one of the projectiles hurled at him by one of the beasts.

"Then I shall stay here and help you, it is as simple as that. I will not leave you so easily like the others," came the words of the female guardian with a measure of finality.

One of the Knights broke off from their offense against Tal'shiar and focused on the female guardian. Tal'shiar sighed underneath his breath as he ran to intercept the beast from assaulting his guardian. The other Echten Knight slipped through the portal and headed towards the ruins. Tal'shiar gritted his teeth noticing the other beast vanishing through the portal. He swung his blade at the Knight that remained with fervor while using his shield as a weapon, slamming into the carapace of the creature with force. The Knight pulled back in pain as Tal'shiar impaled the creature's back with his blade. The Echten Knight roared in agony in a series of loud groans. Shortly, the beast lost its coherence and dissipated as a soulsphere.

"We must go before the other one reaches the ruins. We must take the shortcut now before it is too late," said Tal'shiar while short of breath.

"I'm sorry, Tal, I just couldn't leave you here alone again…" admitted the female guardian with a look of resignation betraying her features.

"Come, we must not stall, Madame," replied Tal'shiar as his features remained stoic.

The other fleeing members of the Emergence finally reached the ruins with their wounded Guide. A woman with long white hair and hazel eyes dressed in a abyss cotton gown stood at the entrance of the Academy. Tal'shiar and the female guardian arrived shortly behind the other group of dreamers.

"Take your positions, Sirs. The other creature will soon arrive!" shouted Tal'shiar as his voice bounced from the walls of the long narrow winding corridor. He approached the woman in the white cotton gown at the other end of the tunnel. "Madame Moofin Sla, can you help the Madame Superior?" A look of concern fell upon Tal'shiar's youthful eyes as he turned to look at Xiarasya in her wounded state. The woman did not answer, simply nodded slowly and entered the ruins. The dreamer holding Xiarasya in his arms followed Moofin Sla through the portals of the ruins. The other remaining members took their positions throughout the narrow tunnel. Tal'shiar assumed his position at the front and prepared for the confrontation. "As I give each of you the signal, you will do as we planned and once you have carried out your parts, you will enter the ruins immediately" said Tal'shiar as the other dreamers listened attentively.

The roaming beast finally materialized through the portals and Tal'shiar engaged it head on in combat. The two combatants danced around each other in a ghastly exchange of projectiles. In that moment, Tal'shiar shouted, "NOW!" The dreamers lined up through both sides of the tunnel and began to fire their chakrams at the walls in unison, one projectile after another. Debris and rubble began to crumble from the surfaces of the wall. Tal'shiar continued to occupy the beast, as the others proceeded with their orders.

A low rumble began to grumble throughout the corridor under the assault of the dreamers who continued to fire their weapons at the wall, and a cloud of dust filled the area as dreamers began to cough and gag. The ground began to shake furiously as Tal'shiar shouted frantically, "GET INSIDE NOW!" The dreamers began to head towards the portal of the ruins. Large pieces of debris and rocks began to fall down from the ceiling of the tunnel, shattering as they hit the ground.

Tal'shiar headed toward the portal; the beast was hot on his trail. "Watch out, he is behind you!" shouted the female guardian. Tal'shiar turned around and locked his eyes with the beady eyes of the creature. "Here you have come, no further shall you pass, Sir." The youth and the beast resumed their battle, the ground trembled and roared as the tunnel began to collapse and give way. Large boulders fell down sealing the path between the Basin of Stars and the ruins.

A large boulder crashed down upon the beast creating a dense of cloud of dirt and dust that enveloped Tal'shiar. A group of boulders slammed down onto the ground where Tal'shiar had stood just moments before. In the distance, the loud screech of an avian creature echoed in the distance.

The female guardian began to weep, "Tal'shiar, no..."

Does one's perception of things truly becomes their reality?

- The Chronicler

Severed Bonds

The 20th day of the 12th cycle, Year of Revelations

Igteus' charge against Bashir was met with failure, and the Guide of the Sect soon lay dead in a pool of his own blood. His spiked mace was on the ground next to him, just beyond the reach of his lifeless hands. The final battle of the Great Clash continued to unravel as dreamers fell in combat, and the dreaded Shards of Bashir and the gruesome Echten Knights continued their deadly war upon each other. The exterior of the Temple sustained heavy damage from the ghastly war playing out at its doorstep.

Bashir glanced over to Terelius Ignium and commanded her to aide him against the Echten Knights. The woman looked at the Bashir in defiance and proceeded to shake her head as she spoke afterwards, "No, I do not serve you any longer, false god. I have broken your mind control over me." Bashir bellowed a deep guttural laugh as smoke flared from his nostrils. He motioned for two of the Shards to strike at the insubordinate woman as he retorted, "You are in league with the infidels, you shall be crushed like the insect you are." His deep voice resonated throughout the room.

The two Shards moved toward Terelius Ignium, but suddenly held their stance as the woman wielded the halberd in their direction. She had a look of determination upon her face as she spoke, "Stand back or I shall use your own weapon against you, demon." Bashir began to fume in anger, taking a step closer to her. Terelius unleashed a powerful discharge of energy against Bashir with little effect.

Bashir leapt into the air and came crashing down upon Terelius Ignium, slamming her onto the ground. The creature's massive hoof pinched Terelius to the ground and as she struggled to break free, Bashir pried the halberd from her grasp. Bashir let out another deep laugh and looked down at the helpless woman. "I am a god of my word, Infidel. I said you would be crushed like the insect you are, and here you lie underneath my hoof," said Bashir and he raised the halberd in the air as smoke flared from his nostrils. Bashir smashed the weapon through her skull and the base of the halberd tore through her face plate with ease behind his strength.

The woman's avatar went into a series of convulsions and spasms for a few moments. Her body went limp, her avatar crumbling into dust revealing her soulsphere. A tendril sprung forward from the entity's avatar and consumed Terelius Ignium's soul.

Elsewhere, while Zar'tenya engaged Cane in a fight to the bitter end, their master, Remulus, entered the clash against both Shards and Knights. He made no effort to pick sides as he took all challengers head on. Meanwhile, Cedryk Orgoth became entranced with the display of power from the beast, whilst the woman in white became anxious and deeply disturbed at the senseless violence she witnessed.

In the Upper Basin of Stars, the race was on between the Emergence Academy and their pursuers, two Echten Knights bent on destroying them all…

How much misery and suffering can one endure before they take action?

- The Chronicler

Ire of a God

The 20th day of the 12th cycle, Year of Revelations

Terelius Ignium and Sala Erosa struggled for possession of the halberd, a relic with great power. Sala Erosa rammed his forehead onto Terelius' brow, the white mask intensifying the impact leaving Terelius stunned momentarily. Sala jerked on the halberd with great force as he pryed the weapon from Terelius' hands. He swung the halberd at the stunned woman, striking her on the side of her rib cage with a loud thud, a loud grunt escaping from Terelius' lips.

Terelius charged at Sala Erosa pushing him backwards as she grabbed his pristine white mask. With one tug, she ripped the mask from Sala's face revealing the disfigured features of the Chosen One. She grabbed hold of the halberd once again and smashed her forehead into Sala Erosa's unprotected face as he tumbled backward onto the ground. "Going head to head with a GateKeeper are we?" Terelius said with a tone of sarcasm. She aimed the halberd in his direction with fierce resolve in her eyes.

A discharge of energy erupted from the tip of the halberd as it tore Sala Erosa's avatar asunder exposing his soulsphere for all to see. "You don't have the courage to do it, you stupid bitch." Sala Erosa taunted as he hovered about in his new form. Terelius Ignium turned her head unable to bring herself to do anything further against Sala Erosa.

Disgusted in the display of weakness, Remulus placed his hands together as he quickly spoke, "The weak shall perish. Only the strongest may survive." With a stroke of his wrist, Sala Erosa was no longer counted among the population within the City of Dreams. "The Voice" of Bashir had been silenced, dreamstruck. Terelius Ignium tossed the pristine white mask over at the feet of Remulus and Zar'tenya. Remulus seemed amused at the mask before he crushed underneath the weight of his heel, the mask shattered into pieces under the impact.

"One remains, my master." Zar'tenya spoked in a clear and crisp tone towards Remulus. "Go forward and take your rightful place, my apprentice. Only the strongest and most cunning may survive of my apprentices." Remulus said as he gestured towards the former High Priest, Cane. Within his other hand, Remulus held forward a soul essence before Zar'tenya. "Fight as if your life depended on it, my queen. If you fail, I shall shatter this essence personally." Remulus added. "Yes, my master, as you will." Zar'tenya responded as she adjusted her armor and proceeded into a confrontation against her rival.

Cane looked bewildered as Zar'tenya appeared before him with her dual blades drawn. "What treachery is this? What are you doing?" Cane inquired madly as Zar'tenya approached nearer with every step she took. "Failure is not an option. You and Erosa both have failed." Zar'tenya replied in a crisp voice bereft of any emotion behind her words. "What? No. I did everything asked of me! Erosa is dead!" Cane yelled at the assassin. "Erosa perished for his failure. So shall you, High Priest. Prepare yourself for the inevitable, Cane." Zar'tenya finally said as she broke into a defensive stance with her blades much to Cane's chagrin. Remulus bellowed from a distance. "Only the strongest of my apprentices may stand with me."

Moments later, Zar'tenya and Cane clashed in combat for their very lives.

Meanwhile, Igteus did not care for distinctions within the Great Clash. Dreamer and beasts alike were equally culpable for each had rebelled against the true path of Idoaclese, and Igteus stood to judge them all, one by one if necessary. The Order had rebelled. Geiru Kaulem had rebelled as well. Aethimir had refused to rejoin the path of his master. Soraya had failed the true path. Now they were all dead, and this thought brought a smile upon his face as he uttered the words to himself. "Victory to me for only I am righteous." He removed his spiked mace from within his vest as he narrowed his eyes upon Xiarasya, the Guide of the Academy, and began to walk torwards to the unsuspecting woman…

Can one escape the fate that awaits them?

- The Chronicler